Victory Rider Model Specific Sites - NEW FEATURES
Posted 2009-04-20 6:29 PM (#32697)
Subject: Victory Rider Model Specific Sites - NEW FEATURES

Posts: 63
Hello Everyone,

As we wrap up the final steps of migration to our new server hosting, I'm taking this opportunity to let you know about some new features that are available now as well.

  • RSS Feeds are now available on each of the model sites

  • Articles are now the one-stop for all the great articles including our exclusive Lloydz Tech-Talk

  • The TECH CORNER (accessed from the home page) now is linked to current Tech Service Bulletins (TSB's) and Recalls, and is searchable by the model year of your bike.

These are just some of the highlights with more to come soon. While it may look like we just took the site and had it detailed....(everyone knows a clean bike runs faster)..... check in the saddlebags and compartments (browse the site) and we hope you will find some additional and useful developments.

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