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SKNZ half cover
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Posted 2017-04-20 12:35 PM (#191760)
Subject: SKNZ half cover


Posts: 190
When I retired back in 2002, my son's Christmas present to me was one of those nylon motorcycle covers you can buy at the local Wal-Mart store. It was an XL and fit pretty loosely over my '85 K100/RT BMW as well as the Kawasaki Concours I had following the beemer. I liked that didn't take up much storage space and even though it wasn't made for either of those bikes specifically, it did the job and help keep the crude and gradu off both bikes when parked.
Fast forward to 2013 and my new Vision. Normally, having a clean bike isn't high on my priority full time on the road you expect dirt and dust and bugs and rain as well as everything else that gets thrown your way. The Vision made me uncomfortable's almost too pretty (to me) and I must have washed the thing a half-dozen times the first week or two I owned it. Totally different than the 3 or 4 times a year I'd wash the 2 previous bikes. Anyway, I've been looking for a "travel" cover. Some companies call it a half-cover and that's a pretty good discription. I ended up buying a SKNZ cover at the Dallas Bike Show in early 2017 and couldn't be happier with it. Made out of polyfiber and Lycra, it's quite stretchy and can be put in the washer and dryer, though I simply put it back on my bike wet and let it air dry.
While it isn't water-proof, it IS water resistant or repellent and water beads off in a short, light rain and those overnights when dew is on everything in the morning. In a good soaking, long-term rain the cover will soak through, however. Camping among the Live Oaks in southern Texas, my main reason for wanting the cover was to help keep debris from the tree's off the bike as well as the occasional bird bomb. It helps keep prying eyes away from the bike too. I was also glad I had the cover after the warm winter we had here in southern Texas. I don't know if they're called wax worms or meely worms but there were Millions of them hanging on webs from the tree's this spring and they were everywhere. I was happy to throw the cover into the washer when the infestation wound down.
It's a bit bulkier than the lighter nylon cover I had before, and takes up a little more space when stored yet folds up easily and fits into the included bag it comes in, which, to be honest, surprised me. Interestly, it's easier to put on the bike than the last cover, partly because it's formed to fit over the front fender on my Vision. I've put it on in the dark many times with little trouble and even with the taller 23 inch windshield on my bike, the cover stretches over it even in it's fully raised position, as seen in the pictures.
It set me back approximately $130 at the bike show, which is quite a bit more than I was hoping to spend but the more I use it the more I like it. All-in-all, I'd buy another cover from SKNZ.
Go to for information.

Edited by 2017-04-20 12:43 PM

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